What is NDIS Registeration?

Many people with disabilities across Australia are assisted through private arrangements created by their families and other aids to accommodate their requirements. It is possible to employ support staff and other services directly, with funding provided by the individual's NDIS plan. These arrangements are referred to as "services-for-one".

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) regulates the NDIS-funded services. It requires certain types of services to be registered providers. In certain instances, it is the case that this applies to services-for-one. If you are a manager or employee for someone enrolled in the NDIS, you may need to be registered with the NDIS Commission as an NDIS provider with the NDIS Commission.

If you're a family member or a family member helping someone through an arrangement for individuals, This guide will help you decide whether you're running an individual service and whether you have to be registered with the NDIS as one of the NDIS providers.

What exactly is NDIS, the registration of a provider?

Some services have to be registered with The NDIS Commission. You must be registered at the NDIS Commission if you provide certain high-risk services. This includes the support for behaviour and any other restrictions you might use.

To be registered as an NDIS provider, you must prove that you have met certain safety and quality standards in the services you offer. Also, you need to be deemed suitable for the services you offer.

To sign up, you must go to go to:

  1. Decide if you're required to sign up
  2. Learn more about the registration
  3. Prepare your policies and procedures.
  4. complete an online application as well as self-assessment
  5. can have an independent, on-site audit by an independent on-site
  6. Have a decision from NDIS Commission on your registration
  7. Complete an 18-month and three-year audit. You must complete an 18-month and three-yearly.

Which services are required to register at the NDIS Commission?

All services, for one, do not have to be registered at the NDIS Commission. If you are required to sign up or not is contingent on the type of support and services you offer and the way that a person chooses how to handle your NDIS plan.

Any NDIS provider that offers services for one, or any other, must sign up at the NDIS Commission if:

  • They assist NDIS participants whose funds are handled by the NDIA
  • They provide the services of a specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
  • They use restrictions that are regulated on short-term or long-term basis
  • They create behaviour support strategies.


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